Welcome To Afro-Scope

African Arts
African Arts 2
African Arts 4
African arts 3
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Beaming The African Ways Of Life To The World

This is your home of AfroCentric InterCultural-Exchange InfoTainment Productions. This means that we INFORM you about Africa, the Africans, and the African Culture through all manner of AfroCultural ENTERTAINMENT. Seeing is believing, they say. So, please, go right ahead and explore. After ali, you are already here.

Contact us

About Us

”Afro-Scope” the Afro-Centric Inter-Cultural Exchange Project! Just as the name implies —a Scope that beams on the African Continent, with a great Enlightenment Inter-Cultural Exchange purpose.

Learn more

The Pictorial TitBits Gallery is an online museum

Covering varieties of African arts and stories both ancient and modern



Benin 2


Benin 5


Ankara arts


Ankara design


Jomo Kenyatta – Kenya


Kwame Nkrumah – Ghana


Nelson Mandela – South Africa


Ellen Johnson Sirleaf – Liberia


Olusegun Obasanjo – Nigeria


Haile Selassie – Ethiopia

Learn more

AfroCultural Dramas

Telling stories through an African lens

AfroCultural Entertainment

Bringing the African energy to life

  • +234 802 280 6385
  • Abuja, Nigeria, West Africa



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