Hello, folks! We want to use this medium to offer our sincere apology to our esteemed audiences and followers for the week of down time experienced on the afro-scope.com site. We are back and fully functional henceforth. The MD of Afro-Scope will be dropping an official address with regards to that soon.

Meanwhile, we must inform you that it was all due to the gross incompetence of Afro-Scope.com internet hosting company, “Smartweb IT Solution.”  The so-called Smartweb did an untold damage to Afro-Scope.com and the associated businesses. They suddenly shut us down on February 25, 2024, without even the courtesy of informing the Afro-Scope team about it. We found out on our own. It was down from February 25 until March 9, 2024. That was the date that we moved our hosting to an American company. We have had to rebuild everything from scratch because the so-called Smartweb IT Solutions has destroyed everything. They are better called ‘DumbWeb IT Destroyer.’

This is obviously a warning to anybody who needs internet services not to have anything to do with Smartweb Internet Solutions. We at Afro-Scope Productions would not be so offended and so offensive if only Smartweb exhibited any professional responsible attitude. They gave us no prior information about the shutdown of our site; they never offered any regret, remorse, or apology for damaging our business, obviously unaware that they are legally liable; they refused to give us any idea when the site would be back up!!! Their response to our query was, “We can’t really say for sure.” And until we moved Afro-Scope.com on March 9, 2024, the site was still down and out, since February 25, 2024!

Best regards, technical team.

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