May 26, 2023

Greetings, folks!

This is the first in Afro-Scope’s MotionPictures AfroCultural Titbits Gallery, and we are starting with Traditional Marriage in Africa. Marriage in Africa is a very long process. The first stage in some parts of Africa (particularly Nigeria, West Africa) is called “Knocking on the door of the bride’s parents” by the groom and his father. In other words, the groom goes to introduce himself to the bride’s parents. Note that I underline the presence of the groom’s father, because, traditionally, it is a must! If his father is not alive or is indisposed for any other serious reason, the groom’s most aged uncle represents his father. And if the groom has no immediate uncle, an elderly man in his clan does the representing. The point is that “Knocking on the door” by the groom does not happen without a male member of the family or clan, period!

Anyway, “knocking on the door” is not our present presentation in the process. We’ll give you more detail about that, soonest, when we have motion-pictures to support the show. But I can tell you now that a would-be groom who openly engages or proposes to his proposed bride first, without the customary “knocking on the door” commits a sacrilege that is not taken lightly by the bride’s family. And the consequence may be to reject him as their daughter’s husband. And guess what, we have a drama series on this here on Afro-Scope for you. Here is the link to episode one, which connects you to the rest:

We also have a serialized comprehensive narrative, on the entire process of marriage in Africa. Here is the link to edition one, which connects you to the rest of the series:

Now, we are taking the process backwards, and the very last stage in the marriage process is what we present here now for you first. We have just few titbits of the Grand Finale of a typical marriage in Igbo tribe of Nigeria in West Africa for you. It is an elaborate, lavishing merrymaking event. The expenses can go as high as one million dollars, depending on the financial capacity of the groom or/and his family. The bride’s family can also foot the bill if the groom’s family is not capable. Here are the titbits for ya:

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