January 29, 2023


Greetings, and welcome to Afro-Scope. I am Harry Agina, introducing to you, “Culture Watch Africa.” It is said that the world is now a “Global Village.” This implies that interaction between peoples and cultures of the world has been made much easy by technologies. This also means that cross-cultural influences between the peoples of the world continue to rapidly increase.

Now, whereas other regions of the world are apparently proud and protective of their cultures, the reverse is the case in Africa. Too many Africans are allowing foreign influences to destroy the African Culture because they hate their culture. Among the worst influences, is ignorant-cum-mischievous Christianity, as practiced by new-wave Pentecostal Christians. This is caused by ignorant and mischievous interpretation of the Christian Holy Bible. The Afro-Scope antidote to this misnomer is “Culture Watch Africa.” The idea is to campaign for the appreciation, protection, preservation, and promotion of the African Culture. And our primary method is to dispel the lies in the Pentecostal interpretations of the Christian Holy Bible. Here’s how we plan to do it:

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